„If you seek peace, be still. If you seek wisdom, be silent.
If you seek love, be yourself.“ – Becca Lee
I heal so I can learn to hold space for others without judgement or attachment. I heal so I can resond rather than react in moments of turbulent emotions. I heal so I can act from a place of true integrity & alignment with who l am and what I stand for. I heal so I can see others for who they are, always as a whole with all their parts instead of their projections.
I heal so my mind & heart can come to rest, becoming fully present with life & love happening around me. I heal so I can make myself and others feels self with their vulnerabilites and experience deep & meaningful connection.
I heal because I want to open my heart to give & receive love.
I heal because I don’t want to carry old pain & wounds (unintentionally) into other people’s lives.
I heal so I can forgive and be forgiven.
Or maybe forgiveness is what heals me? I heal because the world needs more compassion, love & kindness.
I heal because I want to experience all that this human experience has to offer, every ounce of energy, every feeling, every little bit of it.
I heal because I am alive.
I heal because l am.
What do you need to heal inside of you & from your past experiences?
And two – deep diving – questions for healing your heart, mind & body:
Who feels like home? Where do you feel at home?
Externsteine – nicht Stonehenge…
Pinienwald in Katalonien
You feel me?
You are my inspiration for everything I do and everything I am becoming.
Thank you, Sascha!
With my heart, yours
Sense of freedom: Short trips are great possibilities to foster your resilience, confidence, and your ability to reconnect with yourself, your needs, and shift your focus to what does really matter in these times of uncertainty.
I really enjoy making new meaningful connections and getting deeper in touch with strangers I randomly meet; me, my soul, and I are striving because of the short exchanges of glances across the streets or a smile and touch of a helping hand. I’m giving my help as well, without any expectation to receive something back in return – unconditional & voluntarily.
I do care about the needs of the people around me – even I don’t know them. It fills & nourishes my soul. But what I recently learned is: First and foremost you have to take care of yourself, only then you are able to take care of another or love someone wholeheartedly.
Those encounters, connections & acts of kindness, are the ones that ignite the sparks within me, and cultivate my faith in peaceful resolutions – and humankind above all.
Wie können wir als Gesellschaft gegenwärtig neue Perspektiven auf unser Menschenbild und das Menschsein erwecken, welche lebendigen Wege wie gehen, um ein holistisches, humanes und potenzialentfaltendes Miteinander für die Zukunft zu kreieren?
schottisches Galloway
“The purpose of this glorious life is not simply to endure it, but to soar, stumble, and flourish as you learn to fall in love with existence.
We were born to live, my dear, not to merely exist.”
― Becca Lee